Exit Entry x IBM SkillsBuild Challenge 2022
Learning Outcomes

All activities are to be completed on a students smartphone via the Exit Entry app.

Basic Principles of Design

About this course:
Upon completion, the student understands foundational visual design elements including emphasis and contrast, colour, balance, proportion, rule of thirds, alignment and proximity cohesion through repetition, and consistency. Students can use these skills as a foundation to be applied in future projects at school or at work.

Estimated time of completion for students:
3 Hours


Hitfilm Express

About this course:
HitFilm Express is a free video editing software with professional-grade VFX (visual effects) tools and everything you need to make awesome content, films or gaming videos. This course covers the basics of using HitFilm Express including video editing, audio editing and VFX techniques*.

Estimated time of completion for students:
1 Hour 30 Minutes

*All 9 videos in the course must be viewed in order for the activity to be completed.



About this course:
OpenToonz is a professional free and open source 2D animation program. It can be used to create high quality, professional level animations of all kinds. This tutorial series will teach you the basics in OpenToonz drawing and 2D animation*

Estimated time of completion for students:
1 Hour 45 Minutes

*All 16 videos in the course must be viewed in order for the activity to be completed.

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